How much juice can you get into an old game in one week? Read below and check it out here!
This was part of a seminar on exploring game feel and feedback.
For this exercise we took an old game one of my teammates made for a GameJam and tried to improve the feedback! I've had a lot of fun dialing up all the feedback SFX, making reflecting bullets and charging the special attack sound super satisfying. I was also working on explosion particle effects (you can see on the right), and learnt how to use shadergraph-materials in particle systems! I am espescially proud of the smoke after the explosions, as the clouds change and morph dependent on parameters I set in the graph.
Below you can also hear the background loops I made - four in total. It starts with a muffled menu loop, we add a snare for the first life and after getting hit the first time kick and hihat get added to push the beat more. Then wehn the player is at their last life, a dark bassline comes in, pressing urgency! As we had the backlight/retro aesthetics already, I took a lot of inspiration by synthwave artists like PowerGlove or even the Knight Rider theme by Deejay Ced.
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